
Is the Flu Shot During Pregnancy Safe for You and Baby?

flu shot during pregnancy

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flu shot during pregnancyThe Flu Shot During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and the flu shot is sort of like the story of Beauty and the Beast. It seems harsh and ugly on the outside but once the layers are peeled back you see the beauty and benefit.  Okay, enough Disney… bottom line, pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to the flu. This is likely related to the many changes physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. In fact, pregnant women are more severely affected by the flu compared to the general population. We see increased risk for pneumonia and preterm labor, hospitalization in the ICU and on rare occasions, death.

When to get the flu shot during pregnancy

Get your flu vaccination early in the flu season, which lasts from October through May, and is safe regardless of the stage of pregnancy. The two leading health organizationsACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) advise that all women who are or who become pregnant during the annual flu season get the inactivated flu vaccine.

Types of Vaccinations

The CDC does not preferentially recommend a specific formulation of influenza vaccine, trivalent or quadrivalent. Although thimerosal-free formulations of the influenza vaccine are available, there is no scientific evidence that these vaccines cause adverse effects in children born to women who received these vaccines. There is an egg-free vaccine available if you have an egg allergy.

There is no need to avoid contact with individuals who recently received the vaccine if you are pregnant or postpartum. Getting the Flu vaccination during pregnancy provides protection to your baby for up to six months after birth!  Know that there is a wealth of data that supports the safety of the flu vaccine during pregnancy. Be sure to speak with your healthcare professional.  Not getting the flu shot can cause major health issues for you and your baby!

Watch out for the following symptoms:
• Runny nose
• Sore throat
• Shortness of breath/Cough
• Loss of appetite
• Diarrhea or vomiting
• Sudden chills or fever
• Body aches

Learn more about flu symptoms, prevention and vaccinations by visitinng the American Pregnancy Association https://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-complications/flu-during-pregnancy/